The IACP annual meeting was held at the ACSP conference in Portland, Oregon on Friday 11/4/2016. IACP President Professor Jason Cao stated the mission of IACP, reviewed past IACP chairs and annual conferences, and introduced the current Board of Directors and its organizational structure. After that, Professor Cao summarized IACP’s activities and achievements in the past year. With local host Peking University, IACP successfully hosted 2016 annual conference and the 4th Dean’s Forum at Peking University in June. As a co-local host, Beijing Jiaotong University organized the Transportation and Urban Synergy Development Forum. After the conference, members also participated in the technical tour to Dunhuang on the Silk Road. IACP also produced five special issues in leading journals on transportation research and will produce at least four special issues in the coming year. These special issues have attracted broad interests from Chinese planning scholars and their counterparts in other countries, providing an opportunity for Chinese scholars to stand out on the international stage. With rapidly growing participants, IACP conference has become one of the most influential international conferences on planning in China. Professor Cao announced that Dr. Chenghe Guan, a recent graduate of Harvard University, was the winner of this year’s Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award. Professor Lingqian Hu, on behalf of IACP Treasurer Professor Rui Wang, gave the treasurer report. The IACP account is in good standing and membership has steady growth. Professor Jason announced that Harbin Institute of Technology will be the local host for the 11th Annual Conference from June 16-18, 2017. The conference theme is “activating space: returning to human-centered urban planning and design.” Conference committee includes Professors Yan Song, Weifeng Li, and Yiming Wang. The local executive chair is Professor Hong Leng. There will be workshops both before and after the conference. As a reminder, to enjoy the membership benefits, IACP members must renew their membership before February 1, 2017.