Prof. Lei Zhang – IACP Faculty Highlights

张磊 (Prof. Lei Zhang)


Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Management, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China


Lei Zhang is a Professor of Urban Planning in the School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University of China, where he teaches courses in planning theory, development control, and informal urbanization. He completed his Ph.D. in planning at the University of Tokyo in 2008. He serves on several academic committees within the China Planning Academy, including Member and Secretary of the Planning Implementation Committee and Member of the Regional Planning and Urban Economics Committee.

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

张磊教授主要致力于对城市规划制度多样性和制度变迁的实证分析和理论研究,尤其关注中国以及日本、韩国等亚洲国家中的大城市地方政府、社会和市场影响规划的途径和机制。此外,他也关注城市非正规性,尤其是非正式制度在塑造场所和空间生产中所起的作用,并对深圳、广州和北京的城中村以及北京的流动摊贩空间分布进行了长期的跟踪观察和实证研究。这些研究成果发表在《Journal of Planning Education and Research》、《Land Use Policy》、《China Economic Review》、《Journal of Planning Literature》、《城市规划》、《城市规划学刊》、《地理学报》等国内外期刊上。张磊教授及其合作者Michael Hibbard, Rachel Tochen、Zhenghong Tang(唐政洪),发表在《Journal of Planning Education and Research》期刊上的论文“”,获得2019年北美规划院校联合会Chester Rapkin最佳论文奖,与张延吉(第一作者)合作发表在《城市规划》期刊的论文《城镇非正规就业与城市人口增长的自组织规律》曾荣获“2017年中国城市规划优秀论文奖”。

Professor Zhang’s research focuses on explaining institutional diversity and evolution in urban planning and development control, and in particular, the changing role of political power and public involvement in plans and planning in China and other East Asian Countries. He also explores the role of informal institutions in shaping place and space in China’s mega-cities, such as urban villages in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing, and street vendors in Beijing. He has published more than 40 papers in academic journals, including Journal of Planning Education and Research, Land Use Policy, China Economic Review, Journal of Planning Literature, City Planning Review, and Urban Planning Forum. He received the 2019 Chester Rapkin Award, with his three co-authors, Michael Hibbard, Rachel Tochen, and Zhenghong Tang, for the paper entitled “The Role of Local Leaders in Environmental Concerns in Master Plans: An Empirical Study of China’s Eighty Large Municipalities”. This paper was chosen by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) as the best article that appeared in the Volume 38 of Journal of Planning Education and Research. He was also one of the winners of the 2017 Jin Jing-Chang Award (the excellence award for Chinese papers in urban planning), for a paper exploring China’s urban informality.

与IACP  (Relationship with IACP)


Dr. Zhang is a long-term active member of the IACP and has been involved in IACP conferences and activities.