Prof. Zhilin Liu – IACP Faculty Highlights

刘志林 (Prof. Zhilin Liu)


Associate Professor, Director, Public Policy Institute, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University


Zhilin Liu received her Ph.D in city and regional planning (2007) from Cornell University, USA, as well as her master degree in urban geography(2002) and bachelor degree in urban and regional planning (1999) from Peking University, China. She joined the faculty of the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, in 2007, and has taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses on social research methods, urban development and management, and urban planning and governance. She current serves as the Director of the Public Policy Institute of Tsinghua SPPM, and a Deputy Director in several cross-campus research institutes including the Institute for Sustainable Urbanization, the Urban Institute, and the Institute for Future Cities and Infrastructure.

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

主要研究领域包括:城市规划与公共治理、城市社会地理、住房政策与社区治理、流动人口城市融入、可持续城市化等,特别是围绕中国城市发展转型中的社会公平与可持续性问题开展实证与政策研究,曾主持或参与了国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、科技部等机构资助的多项研究课题。相关研究成果发表在《Urban Studies》、《Cities》,《Urban Geography》、《Land Use Policy》、《Housing Studies》、《地理学报》、《地理科学》、《城市发展研究》、《国际城市规划》等国内外学术期刊,出版《保障性住房政策国际经验:政策模式与工具》、《紧凑城市:OECD国家实践经验的比较与评估》等专译著。

她曾获得中国地理学会第十四届青年地理科技奖(2017年)和清华大学学术新人奖(2014年),并先后在多个学术团体任职,担任中国地理学会青年地理工作委员会副主任、中国城市规划学会区域规划与城市经济学术委员会委员、以及《Urban Affairs Review》、《Journal of Urban Affairs》、《Housing Studies》三个英文SSCI期刊的编委。

Her research interests include urban planning and governance, urban social geography, affordable housing and community development, rural-to-urban migration, and sustainable urbanization. She is particularly interested in policy and governance issues that promote equity and sustainability of China’s rapid urbanization and development. She has led or participated in various research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, and other agencies. She has published more than 60 articles in English peer-review journals, including Urban Studies, Cities, Urban Geography, Land Use Policy, Housing Studies, and Chinese academic journals including Acta Geographica Sinica, Scientia Geographica Sinica, Urban Development Studies, and Urban Planning International, in addition many monographs and book chapters.

She received the Young Geographers Award by the Geographical Society of China (2017) and the Academic Excellence Award for Young Faculty by Tsinghua University (2014). She serves on several academic committees including the Young Geographers Committee of China Geographical Society, the Academic Committee of Regional Planning and Urban Economy of China Urban Planning Academy, and the editorial boards for Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, and Housing Studies.

与IACP  (Relationship with IACP)


Zhilin Liu is a long term member of the IACP and has participated many conferences and events organized by IACP. She is a current member of the Board of Directors of the IACP.