Prof. Wenjia Zhang – IACP Faculty Highlights

张文佳( Prof. Wenjia Zhang)


Assistant Professor, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School


Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. in community and regional planning (2015) from the University of Texas at Austin in the US, and his bachelor and master degrees in geography from Nanjing University (2007) and Peking University (2010), respectively, in China. He once worked as postdoc research fellow at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Since 2017, he has been teaching on courses in urban and regional spatial structure, urban daily behaviors, and big-data/machine-learning approaches for planning at master and doctoral levels in the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

主要研究领域包括城市与区域空间结构优化、出行行为与建成环境规划、城市与交通经济学、面向城市研究的大数据与人工智能技术开发等。最近的研究项目涉及城市交通拥堵治理政策、行为决策与建成环境规划、粤港澳大湾区城市网络与时空格局优化、复杂网络与机器学习算法的城乡规划应用等研究。他的研究获得国家自然科学基金委、国家科技部、广东省自然科学基金委、深圳市科技创新委、深圳市社会科学联合会、北大-林肯研究院等机构的资助,相关研究成果发表在Journal of Urban Economics, Annals of American Association of Geographers, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Urban Studies, Cities, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Transport Geography, 地理学报, 地理研究, 城市规划等国内外学术期刊。 他曾获得世界交通运输大会优秀论文(2018)、北美区域科学协会优秀学生论文(2013)、中国地理学会青年学者优秀论文和IACP优秀学生论文(2009)。目前担任PloS One、Palgrave Communications等跨学科期刊的编委,作为客座编委在Transportation Research Part D等期刊上组织专栏。

His research interests include urban and regional spatial structure, travel behavior and built environment, urban and transport economics, and big-data and AI methods specific to urban studies. His recent projects include anti-congestion governance and policies, daily behaviors and built environment planning, dynamic urban network and structure of the China Greater Bay Area, as well as policy innovation in urban redevelopment. His research has been funded by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), National Key Research and Development Project, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Council, Shenzhen Municipal Social Science Association, and Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center. His publications appear in both English peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Urban Economics, Annals of American Association of Geographers, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Urban Studies, Cities, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Transport Geography, and Chinese academic journals including Acta Geographical Sinica, Geographical Research and City Planning Review. Dr. Zhang received the outstanding paper awards from the World Transportation Conference (WTC) in 2018, the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) in 2013, the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the International Association for China Planning (IACP) in 2009. He serves as the editorial board members of several interdisciplinary journals, such as PloS One and Palgrave Communications, and the guest editors of special issues in Transportation Research Part D and two Chinese journals.

与IACP (Relationship with IACP) 


Dr. Zhang is an active member of the IACP and has participated in the annual IACP conferences for several times. He won the best student paper prize from IACP in 2009 and acknowledge this as an important event that encourages him to pursue doctoral degree, academic research and education in Planning.