Prof. Yuanshuo Xu – IACP Faculty Highlights

徐元朔(Yuanshuo Xu, PhD)

浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师,浙江大学公共管理学院城市发展与管理系 Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University “Hundred Talents Program” (Humanities and Social Science), Department of Urban Development and Management, School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University

Dr. Xu worked for the Department of City and Regional Planning, Department of Global Development, Social Science Research Center and Department of Policy and Management at Cornell University. He worked as a Lecturer in 2018-2019, teaching GIS and Quantitative Methods for Planning and Policy Analysis in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University. During 2019-2020, Dr. Xu worked as a Postdoctoral Associate for the Department of Global Development at Cornell University. In summer 2020, he joined the Department of Urban Development and Management at Zhejiang University as an Assistant Professor in “Hundred Talents Program”. He holds a PhD in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University.


研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

Dr Xu’s research focuses on the decentralization, urban and regional governance, spatial econometrics and big data. He has participated multiple projects from US Federal government (multilevel governance, state preemption, fiscal stress and demographic transformation), New York State local governments (the economic impacts of property tax cap, the spatial difference of health services for seniors, rural planning and development after the Great Recession); and has led the projects of China’s urbanization (“ghost” cities, shrinking cities, and local debt). His work has been published in Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Journal of Economy Policy Reform, Journal of Aging and Health. His research was funded by the US Department of Agriculture (rural development), and won the outstanding student project award from the New York Upstate Chapter of American Planning Association in 2015 and C.V Starr Scholarship in 2017. In Zhejiang University, Dr. Xu will focus on urban collaborative governance and digital governance using cutting-edge spatial methods and big data.

徐元朔的研究关注分权,城市区域治理、空间计量和大数据。博士和博士后期间主要参加了美国联邦政府项目(多层政府治理、state preemption、财政危机和人口转型);纽约州地方政府项目(房产税限制的经济影响、养老健康公共服务的空间差异性机制、后经济危机的农村规划和经济发展策略);并主持了中国城市化问题研究项目(“鬼城”、收缩城市、城投债等)。研究的成果发表在《Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society》、《Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space》、《Journal of Economy Policy Reform》、《Journal of Aging and Health》等期刊。他的研究受到美国联邦政府农业部的资助。于2015年获得上纽约州规划协会优秀学生项目奖。2017年C.V. Starr 奖学金获得者。2020年5月加入浙江大学城市发展与管理系后,着重运用大数据和空间方法,进行城市协同治理和城市智慧治理的研究。


徐元朔是IACP的会员,并积极参加IACP组织的学术活动。 Yuanshuo Xu is a member of IACP and actively engaged in the activities of IACP.