Prof. Mengqiu Cao – IACP Faculty Highlights

曹梦秋( Mengqiu Cao)

英国威斯敏斯特大学 建筑与城市学院副教授、博士生导师 School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster

Mengqiu Cao is a Senior Lecturer in Transport and Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster. He was awarded his PhD from the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. Moreover, he has worked in academia and industry in an interdisciplinary research field, which is primarily a mixture of transport analysis and urban planning. In addition, he has also worked with public authorities and international funding organisations. He has been selected as the UK Ambassador for the Association of European Transport.


研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

Mengqiu’s current research interests include urban and transport planning; travel vulnerability and social equity; statistics and transport modelling; and sustainable cities. He was awarded the First Prize for the best paper at the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference (Transport Geography Research Group-sponsored prize). His work has been published in Urban Studies, Environment and Planning A, Journal of Transport Geography, and Transport Policy, etc. In addition, his co-authored book titled Transport Economics Matters: Applying Economic Principles to Transportation in Great Britain has been published by Brown Walker Press.

目前主要研究方向包括城市和交通规划、交通出行脆弱性和社会公平性、统计和交通模型、以及可持续城市发展。曾获英国皇家地理学会年会交通地理学组青年最佳论文一等奖。相关研究成果在《Urban Studies》、《Environment and Planning A》、《Journal of Transport Geography》、《Transport Policy》等学术期刊发表。专著《交通运输经济学:如何将经济学原理应用于英国的交通运输产业》由美国布朗沃克出版社出版发行。


曹梦秋作为IACP的成员,一直积极参与IACP年会以及其他IACP组织的各项会议与活动。 Mengqiu Cao is an active member of the IACP and has been actively involved in a number of IACP conferences and activities.