Yingying Lyu – IACP Faculty Highlights



Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Associate at the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy, and Environment

Dr. Yingying Lyu has been a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design since January 2020. She is also an Associate at the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy, and Environment based in the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; and a member of the Social Technology for Global Aging Research Initiative at Harvard University. She received a Doctor of Design degree at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in November 2019.


Research areas and social contributions研究方向与社会贡献

Her research interests cover healthy and sustainable cities. Her current work focuses on the needs of older people, especially those from lower-income families. The research of her and collaborators has appeared in Journal of Planning Literature (JPL), Journal of Transport & Health, and HERD:
Health Environments Research & Design Journal
. Her review article in JPL explores the relationship between loneliness in older people and the built environment features. Her article in HERD examines the negative health effect of living in multi-floor walkup apartments among older people. Other recent studies include how technological devices in urban spaces could help older people participate in outdoor activities more safely and autonomously. Her ongoing research projects examine how age-friendly communities work worldwide and how technology could help older people age in place in China.

吕瑛英的研究包括健康与可持续城市。她目前主要关注老年人的需求,尤其是低收入家庭的老人。她和合作者的研究发表在《Journal of Planning Literature》, 《Journal of Transport & Health》, 和《HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal》等期刊。 其中发表在《Journal of Planning Literature》的综述文章探讨老年人的孤独感与建成环境之间的关联。发表在《HERD》的文章研究了多层无电梯公寓对老年人健康的负面影响。她最近的研究还包括城市空间中的科技设备如何帮助老年人更加安全、自主地进行室外活动。她目前正在进行的研究探讨世界范围的老年友好社区项目成效,以及如何用科技帮助中国老年人更好的居家养老。



Dr. Lyu is a member of IACP and has been actively engaged in ICAP’s activities.


Email: ylu@gsd.harvard.edu