严翔 (Dr. Xiang Yan)
佛罗里达大学 土木和海洋工程系 助理教授、博士生导师
Assistant Professor, Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. U.S.A.
严翔博士是美国佛罗里达大学土木和海洋工程系的助理教授。他在佛罗里达大学创立了Just&Green交通研究室,他同时是佛罗里达大学交通中心的公共交通方向领头人。严翔于 2015和2019 年分别获得密西根大学的城市与区域规划硕士和博士学位,于2013年活得南京大学的城市规划学士学位。他于2021年获得佛罗里达大学交通工程硕士学位。他获得了World Society for Transport and Land Use Research的2021年最佳博士论文奖,他的硕士项目(capstone project)获得了美国规划协会(American Planning Association)的2018年最佳学生项目奖。
Dr. Xiang Yan is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida. He directors the Just&Green Transportation lab, and he is the University of Florida Transportation Institute’s transit lead. Xiang Yan received a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Michigan, and he received a bachelor’s degree in Urban and Rural Planning from Nanjing University. He also holds a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering received form the University of Florida in 2021. He received the 2021 World Society for Transport and Land Use Research best dissertation award, and his master’s capstone project won the 2018 AICP Student Project Award from the American Planning Association.
研究方向与社会贡献 (Research direction and social contribution)
严翔博士的研究专注在使用数据科学和人工智能(包括机器学习)来提升交通系统的公平性和可持续性。他致力于从交通工程、数据科学、和城市规划等多学科交叉的视角将把交通科技创新应用到解决社区需求上。他同时与公共部门和企业合作开发智能决策系统来帮助城市规划和管理包括共享自行车和滑板车等新型交通模式。严博士的研究得到了美国交通部、福特基金会、自然灾害中心、密西根大学贫困研究中心等资助机构的支持。他的学术成果发表在包括《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》, 《Transportation Research Part C: Emergency Technologies》, and 《Journal of the American Planning Association》在内的交通和城市规划领域国家顶级期刊。
Dr. Xiang Yan focuses on using data science and artificial intelligence (machine learning) to make transportation more equitable and sustainable. Bridging transportation engineering, data science, and urban planning, he takes an interdisciplinary approach to transportation research that connects technological innovations with community needs. He works closely with public agencies and industry partners to develop intelligent decision-support tools that can help them better plan for and manage new mobility systems such as shared e-scooters. His research has been supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ford Motor Company, Natural Hazards Center, and Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan. His work has been published in top transportation and planning journals such as Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part C: Emergency Technologies, and Journal of the American Planning Association.
和IACP的关系 (Relationship with IACP)
严翔是IACP的长期会员。他曾是IACP的理事会学生成员(2019-2021),他是IACP 理事会现任成员(2021-)。
Dr. Yan is a long-time member of IACP and he serves on the IACP Board of Directors.