IACP Best Student Paper Award

AnnouncementDescriptionPast Recipients

The International Association for China Planning (IACP) is pleased to announce the 2024 IACP Best Student Paper Award competition. This competition will award a student who presents the best paper at the 18th IACP conference, which will take place in Hangzhou, China, July 5-8, 2024.

To be eligible for this year’s award, the student must be:

  1. currently enrolled at a university in China;
  2. either the sole author or the lead author of a paper that has been accepted for presentation at the 18th IACP conference in Hangzhou China;
  3. the paper may deal with any aspect of urban planning and does not have to deal specifically with China planning;
  4. past winners of the same award are not eligible to apply again.


To be considered for this award, please e-mail a full paper in English by May 5th, 2024 to the IACP Award committee led by Sylvia He, sylviahe@cuhk.edu.hk.

All submitted papers will be evaluated by a review committee selected by the IACP Award committee. The result of this competition will be announced at the conference in Tianjin. The winner of this competition is required to present the paper at the conference. The winner will receive US$600 or Chinese RMB of an equivalent value.

Please note, submissions for this award DO NOT prohibit applicants from publishing their papers elsewhere.

The IACP Best Student Paper Award has been made possible by IACP membership fees and the generous support of conference sponsors. For more information, please refer to http://www.china-planning.org/alpha/iacp-best-student-paper/

The IACP best student paper competition annually provides an award to a student in China who presents the best paper at the annual IACP conference in China. To be eligible for the award, the student must be a current student enrolled in a university in China and the sole author or lead author of a paper presented at the annual IACP conference in China.

2023, Xueying Wu, City University of Hong Kong. “The dynamic impact of COVID-19 pandemic on park visits: a longitudinal study in the United States”

2022, Shuhong Wang, City University of Hong Kong, “Grandparenting and Subjective Well-being in China: The Moderating Effect of Hukou, Gender, Age, and Income”

2021, Jianting (Kristen) Zhao, University of Hong Kong, “Walkability Scoring: Why and how does a three dimensional pedestrian network matter?”

2020, Hengyu Gu, Peking University, “How Does the Rural Homestead Influence the Hukou Transfer Intentions of Rural-Urban Migrants in China”

2019, Ruoyu Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, “Clustering of creative industries and spatial drivers: An empirical study of Wuhan, China”