Young Scholar’s Interest Group

The Young Scholar’s Interest Group organized by IACP is an international community of early career urban China scholars. We define ‘young scholars’ as those who are PhD Candidates, Postdocs, or Assistant Professors, and welcome anyone who matches this description to join. We maintain an active WeChat group Young Scholars in Planning and will share upcoming events and other news in this group. To join the WeChat group, please add one of the following WeChat IDs: tiange680094, juliachinachina, jacobyan0.

Xiang Yan
Research Assistant Professor,
University of Florida
Wechat ID:       jacobyan0

Haotian Zhong
Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China
Wechat ID: tiange680094

Julia Harten
Assistant Professor, The University of British Columbia
Wechat ID: juliachinachina


The Young Scholar’s Interest Group aims to promote and support the next generation of China planning thinkers. As a community, we seek to foster peer-support for research and professional development. Ultimately, our goal is to connect like-minded people and create opportunities for exchange, collaboration, and professional relationship building.


Engage an international community of next generation China planning thinkers

  • The Young Scholar’s Interest Group brings together early career urban China scholars, to provide a community of mutual learning, knowledge sharing, and support.

Promote career advancement

  • The Young Scholar’s Interest Group offers a range of educational workshops, a senior mentorship program, and opportunities to present work in progress. Through these and other initiatives, the Young Scholar’s Interest Group is committed to supporting the career advancement of its members.

Offer networking possibilities

  • The Young Scholar’s Interest Group creates opportunities to network among members, to find others with common research interests, and to further innovative academic discourses.