Dr. Jing WU – IACP Faculty Highlights

吴璟 (Dr. Jing WU)


Department of Construction Management and Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, Tsinghua University

吴璟目前担任清华大学建设管理系副教授、系主任和清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心执行主任。同时兼任China Economic Review副主编、世界华人不动产学会(GCREC)副秘书长、中国高等院校房地产学者联谊会(CAREA)副秘书长和亚洲房地产学会(AsRES)理事。他于2009年获得清华大学管理科学与工程博士学位,此后曾在新加坡国立大学担任高级研究员。

Dr. Jing Wu is an associate professor and the head of the Department of Construction Management at Tsinghua University, and the acting director of the Hang Lung Center for Real Estate at Tsinghua University. He also serves as the associate editor of China Economic Review, the deputy general sectary of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), the deputy general sectary of China Association of Real Estate Academicians (CAREA), and on the board of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES). He holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University. Before joining Tsinghua as a faculty member, he was a senior research fellow in National University of Singapore.

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

吴璟的研究主要聚焦于中国城市住房和土地市场,研究重点包括住房/土地价格指数编制、住房/土地价格波动规律和风险评估、地方政府住房市场干预行为、绿色建筑的经济分析等。他先后在《Journal of Urban Economics》《Review of Finance》《Journal of Environmental Economics》和《经济研究》《金融研究》《统计研究》等国内外学术期刊发表数十篇论文。吴璟带领的团队近年来先后编制了“城房指数”(包含90个主要城市新建商品住房市场的月度同质性价格指数)、“中国主要城市居住用地价格指数”(包含35个大中城市居住用地市场的季度同质性价格指数)、“中国城市二手房指数”(覆盖337个地级以上城市二手住房市场的周度同质性价格指数)等全国性房地产价格指标,并保持定期更新和公开发布。吴璟于2017年入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者。

Dr. Wu’s research mainly focuses on Chinese housing market, especially the housing and land price issues. Some of his recent research topics include price index compiling, price dynamics, government behaviours in housing market, and green housing. He has published over 20 academic papers on international journals, including Journal of Urban Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Urban Studies, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and European Economic Review, as well as over 50 papers on academic journals in Chinese. The team led by Dr. Wu has been calculating and updating the first constant-quality price index for newly-built housing units in 40 major Chinese cities since 2007 (expanded to 90 cities in 2009), the first (and so far the only) constant-quality price index for residential land parcels in 35 major Chinese cities since 2012, and the first national-level constant quality price index for housing resales in 337 Chinese cities since 2015. All these three indexes have been widely cited and reported globally. Dr. Wu was named as a Chang Jiang Youth Scholar by the Ministry of Education of China in 2017.