Prof. Julia Gabriele Harten – IACP Faculty Highlights

Julia Gabriele Harten

Assistant Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada 英属哥伦比亚大学(加拿大·温哥华) 社区与区域规划学院 助理教授

Julia Gabriele Harten received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy in August 2020. Prior to USC, Julia studied at Münster University, Goethe University Frankfurt, and the Free University of Berlin, earning degrees in Business Administration, Economics, and China and East Asian Studies. She has worked inside and outside academia in Germany, China, Mexico, and the United States. Since 2010, she has spent multiple years in different parts of China and is fluent in Mandarin.

Julia Gabriele Harten于2020年8月取得了南加州大学索尔·普莱斯公共政策学院(Sol Price School of Public Policy)的博士学位。在进入南加州大学之前,Julia曾就读于明斯特大学、法兰克福大学和柏林自由大学,获得工商管理、经济学、中国和东亚研究学位。她在德国、中国、墨西哥和美国的学术界内外有丰富的工作经历。2010年至今,Julia曾在中国不同地区游历、生活,并能够掌握流利的普通话。

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

Her research focuses on diversifying housing trajectories, especially the housing strategies of recent migrants and city starters in growing cities. She aims to connect housing phenomena to their broader social contexts – for instance by involving the roles of education, demographic transition, social mobility, gender, and class for housing choices and the formation of new housing submarkets. To generate insights for policy and planning, she leverages new digital data opportunities and places them in dialogue with ethnographic fieldwork. Her dissertation project uses web scraped online advertisement data together with data from a multi-year ethnography to uncover the dynamics and social meaning of a hidden informal market for shared housing in Shanghai, China. Julia’s research has been funded by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Lusk Center for Real Estate. Her work has been published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, the Journal of Planning Education and Research, and Urban Studies.

她的研究聚焦多样化的住房轨迹,特别是城市增长过程中新移民和老市民的住房策略。她的研究致力于将城市居民的住房现象和与更广泛的社会背景联系起来,例如,通过纳入教育、人口转型、社会流动性、性别和社会阶层等因素,来讨论住房选择和新兴的住房市场。为了深刻理解相关政策和规划方案,她充分利用数字媒体时代的新型数据,并将其与采用民族志方法的田野工作相融合。她的博士项目利用了网络抓取的在线广告数据,结合多年积累的民族志资料,揭示了中国上海一个非正式的地下合租市场的动态演变和社会意义。 Julia的研究得到了林肯土地政策研究所、美国教育部和拉斯克房地产中心的资助,研究成果已发表在《Journal of the American Planning Association》、《Journal of Planning Education and Research》和《Urban Studies》等规划和城市研究类期刊上。


Julia Harten曾被选为IACP理事会的学生成员,并将以教师身份继续担任IACP秘书和理事会成员。