The 14th IACP Annual Conference was successfully held virtually in December

The 14th annual conference of the International Association for China Planning (IACP) was held virtually on December 05-13, 2020. The conference was organized by the IACP and hosted by the School of Architecture and Design at the Shenzhen University. The theme of this conference was “Urban Innovations in the New Planning Context.” The nine-day online conference included nine special sessions and 53 parallel sessions, in addition to the opening and closing ceremonies. The conference was held online via TenCent Meeting and broadcasted at the Almost 300 faculty members, researchers, students and planners from around the world registered the conference. The conference received more than 40,000 online views.


The opening ceremony was held on December 05, 2020 as a mixture of online and in-person event at the Shenzhen University. Professor Xiaochun Yang, the Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Shenzhen University, presided the opening ceremony. Dr. Qingquan Li, the President of the Shenzhen University, and Professor Lingqian Hu, the IACP chair, welcomed all participants to the conference and delivered their opening remarks.


This conference featured world-renowned speakers and public officials. Professor Zhiqiang Wu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice-President of the Tongji University, gave his keynote speech on fast urbanization in China. Dr. Bing Zhang, Director of the Bureau of Territorial Planning of the Ministry of Natural Resources, gave his speech on territorial planning and sustainable development. Professor Christopher Webster, the Dean of the School of Architecture at the Hong Kong University, gave his keynote speech on smart cities.


The nine special sessions were held on three days. Professor Xiaochun Yang chaired a special session on contemporary urban planning theory and trend of thought. The special sessions on December 6th highlighted four topics. Professor Xinyue Ye and Lingqian Hu organized a panel that discussed planning for future built environment; Professor Jiayan Liu led a panel discussion of creating cities of sharing through planning; Professor Li Tian organized a special session on enhancing the market-based allocation of land factors and its implications for territorial spatial planning; and Professor Zhengdong Huang moderated a session on mega-city region and synergy of urban cluster. The five special sessions on December 12th discussed re-globalization (organized by Professor Yifei Sun), urban informality (organized by Professor Lei Zhang), urban renewal in Shenzhen (sponsored by the Peking University- Lincoln Institute Center and moderated by Dr. Zhi Liu), and space syntax of urban good life (organized by Professor Haofeng Wang).


More than 200 faculty members, researchers, and students presented their research in 53 parallel sessions and roundtables. The 53 parallel sessions and roundtables covered a wide range of research topics in the fields of transportation and infrastructure planning, housing and community development, urban health and safety, urban renewal and historical preservation, urban and landscape design, land use and economic development, environmental planning, urban analytics, and planning education.


The conference sponsored three special issues of academic journals: Housing Policy Debate (Professor Zhilin Liu as the guest editor), Travel Behavior and Society (Professor Chenghe Guan as the guest editor) and Socio-Ecological Practice Research (Professor Haoting Zhong as the guest editor).

大会与三个国际学术期刊合作出版特别期刊。刘志林教授担任Housing Policy Debate杂志特刊编辑;关成贺教授担任Travel Behavior and Society杂志特刊编辑;仲浩天教授担任Socio-Ecological Practice Research杂志特刊编辑。

The closing ceremony was co-chaired by Professor Xiaochun Yang and Professor Lingqian Hu. Dr. Laxmi Ramasubramanian, the president-elect of ACSP, gave her keynote speech on the future of global planning education. Dr. Daniel (Dianzhi) Sui, the vice-President of Virginia Tech, gave his keynote speech on urban innovation in the post-pandemic period. Professor Xiaoguang Wang, chair of the IACP Award Committee, announced seven awards. Dr. Julia Harten, an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia, won the ACSP/IACP Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award; Mr. Sicheng Wang, a Ph.D. candidate at the Rutgers University, won the Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award; Mr. Hengyu Gu, a Ph.D. student at the Peking University, won the IACP Best Student Paper Award; Dr. Li Fang, an assistant professor at the Florida State University, won the IACP Rising Scholar Award; Dr. Zhi Liu, Director of the Peking University – Lincoln Institute Center, won the IACP Distinguished Service Award, Xuanyi Nie (a graduate student at the Harvard University) and Hengyu Gu (Shanghai Academy of Social Science) won the Economic Approach in Urban Sustainability Studies Award, and more than a dozen presenters won the IACP Presentation Award.

大会闭幕式由杨晓春教授和胡伶倩教授共同主持。美国规划院校联合会候任主席拉克斯米·拉玛苏布拉曼尼亚教授做关于未来全球规划教育的演讲。美国弗吉尼亚理工大学副校长隋殿志教授做关于后疫情时代城市创新的演讲。IACP理事会成员王晓光教授公布七个奖项的获奖人。不列颠哥伦比亚大学助理教授茱莉获IACP/ACSP Karen R. Polenske最佳学生论文奖;Rutgers大学博士候选人王思成获Karen R. Polenske最佳学生论文奖;北京大学博士生Hengyu GuIACP最佳学生论文奖;弗罗里达州立大学助理教授方丽获得IACP学术新星奖;北大林肯研究中心主任刘志获IACP杰出服务奖;哈佛大学研究生聂玄翊和上海社科院樊豪斌获城市可持续发展经济研究方法奖。

After the award ceremony, Professor Lingqian Hu announced that the 2021 IACP annual conference will be held at the Nanjing University. Dr. Xiaolong Luo, the Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Nanjing University, greeted the audience and encourage them to attend the next year’s IACP conference in Nanjiing. In the end, Professor Xiaochun Yang announced the successful conclusion of the 2020 annual conference.
