Prof. Xize Wang – IACP Faculty Highlights

 王锡泽( Prof. Xize Wang)

新加坡国立大学房地产系助理教授 Assitant Professor, Department of Real Estate

Dr. Wang joined National University of Singapore in July 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Real Estate, and a faculty affiliate at the NUS Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies and the NUS Center for Family and Population Research. Prior to NUS, he has been a postdoctoral researcher at the UC Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development in 2017-2019. He received a Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Development at University of Southern California in 2017, a Master in Urban and Regional Planning at University of Minnesota in 2012, and a Urban Planning and a B.A. in Economics at Peking University in 2010.


研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

Dr. Wang’s research interests are urban health, urban policy analysis, demographic change and sustainable mobility. His current research agenda focuses on the impact of urban spatial planning on people’s mental health and subjective well-being, and applying the causal-inference policy evaluation framework in urban policy analysis. His research has been published in leading journals in urban studies and planning, including Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Regional Science, Landscape and Urban Planning, as well as Nature Medicine (minor contributor). His paper “Modeling bike share station activity: Effects of nearby businesses and jobs on trips to and from stations” has been cited by the U.S. National Association of City Transportation Officials in their “Bike Share Station Siting Guide”. Dr. Wang has been awarded “Publisher’s Travel Scholarship” by ACSP, “Provost Mentored Teaching Fellowship” by USC Graduate School, and National Merit Scholarship by China’s Ministry of Education.

王锡泽的研究关注城市健康,城市政策分析,人口变迁和可持续交通。目前的研究兴趣为城市空间规划政策对于居民心理健康和主观幸福感的影响,以及采用基于因果推断的政策评估方法进行城市政策分析。相关研究成果发表在《Transportation Research Part A》、《Journal of Regional Science》、《Landscape and Urban Planning》以及《Nature Medicine》(参与)等城市研究与规划领域的国际知名期刊上。他与合作者的论文“Modeling bike share station activity: Effects of nearby businesses and jobs on trips to and from stations”被全美城市交通官员协会的《共享单车站点选址指南》引用作为政策指导依据。他曾获得过美国城市规划学会年会”出版社学术差旅奖学金”,南加州大学“教务长教学发展奖学金”,中国教育部“国家奖学金”等荣誉。

与IACP的关系  (Relationship with IACP)

王锡泽是IACP的会员并积极参与IACP组织的学术活动。 Dr. Wang is a member of IACP and has been actively engaged in ICAP’s activities.

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