Prof. Zhenhua Chen- IACP Faculty Highlights

陈振华 Dr. Zhenhua Chen


Zhenhua Chen is an assistant professor in City and Regional Planning at the Knowlton School of Architecture at The Ohio State University.

2006年获电子科技大学管理学学士,2009年获深圳大学区域经济学硕士,2014年获乔治梅森大学公共政策博士。毕业后曾在南加州大学国家威胁和紧急情况风险和经济分析中心 (CREATE) 担任博士后研究员(2014-2016)。2016年加入俄亥俄州立大学任教至今。

He received a bachelor’s degree in management from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2006, a master’s degree in regional economics from Shenzhen University in 2009, and a doctorate in public policy from George Mason University in 2014. After graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Threats and Emergencies (CREATE) at University of Southern California (2014-2016). He has been teaching at The Ohio State University since 2016.

Research direction and social contribution

陈博士研究兴趣包括基础设施规划和政策的区域影响分析,以及灾害韧性评估。出版五本著作,包括《高速时代下的中国铁路》(爱墨瑞得,2015)、《灾害的经济影响评估:E-CAT 软件工具》(斯普林格,2017, 《区域科学大数据》(劳特利奇,2017, 《高铁与中国新经济地理:区域科学视角的影响评估》(爱德华·埃尔加,2019 )和《区域科学发展研究:纪念金斯利·海恩斯的论文集》(斯普林格,2020 )。在《Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D, Transport Reviews, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation, Transport Policy, Journal and Transport and Land Use, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Environment Research Letters, Risk Analysis, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Land Use Policy, Annals of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science, Computer Environment and Urban Systems, Economic Systems Research, European Planning Studies, Economic Development Quarterly, Applied Economic Letters, Plos One, Asia Europe Journal, and International Journal of Urban Sciences等期刊发表各类论文 70 多篇。曾获得了多个区域科学奖项,例如 Benjamin Stevens FellowshipVernon Jordan Jr. FellowshipRSAI Best Dissertation AwardCharles Tiebout Prize William Miernyk Research Excellence Medal。他的研究曾获得多个机构的资助,例如美国农业部、美国交通部、国家科学基金会、林肯土地政策研究所、福特汽车公司、俄亥俄州交通部、俄亥俄州公共安全部、和美国财产保险人协会。

His research interest includes regional impact analysis of infrastructure planning and policy, and disaster resilience assessment.

He has published five books, including Chinese Railways in the Era of High Speed (Emerald, 2015), Economic Consequence Analysis of Disasters: The E-CAT Software Tool (Springer, 2017), and Big Data for Regional Science (Routledge, 2017). High-Speed Rail and China’s New Economic Geography:
Impact Assessment from the Regional Science Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2019) and Development Studies in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Kingsley E. Haynes (Springer, 2020). He has also published over 70 articles, in various peer-reviewed journals, such as Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D, Transport Reviews, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation, Transport Policy, Journal and Transport and Land Use, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Environment Research Letters, Risk Analysis, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Land Use Policy, Annals of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science, Computer Environment and Urban Systems, Economic Systems Research, European Planning Studies, Economic Development Quarterly, Applied Economic Letters, Plos One, Asia Europe Journal, and International Journal of Urban Sciences.

He received several awards in regional science, such as Benjamin Stevens Fellowship, Vernon Jordan Jr. Fellowship, the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) Best Dissertation Award, Charles Tiebout Prize, and William Miernyk Research Excellence Medal. His research was funded by various agencies, such as the US Department of Agriculture, The US Department of Transportation, the National Science Foundation, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Ford Motor Company, The Ohio Department of Transportation, The Ohio Department of Public Safety, and the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.


振华目前是IACP2021-2023)理事会成员,并担任会议委员会主席。过去几年,他与同事组织了多次IACP学术活动。包括2017年岳麓论坛(湖南大学)和2019年高铁与环境国际研讨会(与石家庄铁道大学虚拟主办)。他还组织了三个与IACP相关的学术特刊,包括收录于 Transportation Research Part D的”高速铁路与环境”;
Sustainability》的”评估不确定世界中基础设施投资的社会经济影响”;和《Transportation Research Part A的”交通基础设施影响评估的新方法”。

Zhenhua is currently a board member of IACP (2021 – 2023) and he serves as the chair of the conference committee. In the past, he has organized several IACP events with colleagues, including the 2017 Yuelu Forum (at Hunan University) and the 2019 International Symposium on High-Speed Rail and the Environment (virtually co-hosted with Shijiazhuang Tiedao University). He has also organized three IACP related special issues, including “High-Speed Rail and the Environment” on Transportation Research Part D; “Evaluating the Socioeconomic Impact of Infrastructure Investment in an Uncertain World” on Sustainability; and “Novel Analytical Approaches to Impact Assessment of Transportation Infrastructure” on Transportation Research Part A.


