Call for Hosting: The 2025 IACP Annual Conference

Call for Hosting

The 2025 IACP Annual Conference

The International Association for China Planning (IACP) invites all interested parties to submit proposals to host the 2025 IACP Annual Conference. IACP is a voluntary non-profit, independent, self-governed organization. It comprises scholars and practitioners interested in urban and rural planning issues in China. IACP aims to serve as

  • a bridge connecting researchers and professionals within and outside China interested in China planning issues
  • a forum for scholarly and professional dialogue
  • a community for its members

As a global network of scholars and practitioners, IACP is committed to promoting the career advancement of its members by fostering fellowship, communication, and cooperation. Please check IACP’s official website for more information:

Since 2006, IACP has collaborated with a variety of universities and other institutions to hold its annual conferences in different venues. In 2023, the 17th IACP annual conference was held on June 28-July 2, with Tianjin University as the local host. The 2024 IACP conference will be held in Hangzhou during July 6-8, hosted by Zhejiang University.

The following is the information to be included in the proposal by interested parties.

  • A brief description of the local host organization, including
    • the profile of the school/university,
    • the organizational capacity of the school to host the conference, and
    • the expected number of conference participants considering the local host’s capacity.
  • A brief description of the conference modality and capacity, including the name of the city where the conference is proposed to be held, the conference venue (location, the capacity of the venue, how many concurrent sessions can be held in the same building, and accessibility (transportation arrangement) and accommodation capacity (provide a range of options of hotels within walking distance from the conference venue).
  • Proposed conference theme. For your information, recent IACP conferences themes include:
    • 2024: Planning and Governance at Crossroads for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Cities (Zhejiang University)
    • 2023: Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Urban and Rural Development (Tianjin University)
    • 2022: Urban-Rural Healthy and Sustainable Development
    • 2021: Territorial Spatial Planning in the New Era of Globalization and Regionalization (Nanjing University)
  • A draft budget, including
    • Total expected budget
    • Expected registration fees, and
    • Number of meals included in the registration fees for in-person participants.
  • Other potential benefits of holding the conference at the proposed location (social events, local host sessions, mobile tours, etc.).

IACP conference site-selection committee will review the proposals and make a recommendation to the IACP Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will make the final decision on the site selection. A formal MOU between IACP and the local host will be signed after the selection. Applications in this round will be given priority in future conference site selection.

All interested parties should submit a brief letter of intent to Dr. Zhenhua Chen ( before April 01, 2024. All full proposals should be received by email to before May 31, 2024. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

IACP 2025 Conference Site Selection Committee:
Zhilin Liu, Ph.D.,         Tsinghua University
Zhenhua Chen, Ph.D.,     The Ohio State University
Li Yin, Ph.D.,         University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Zhongjie Lin, Ph.D.,     University of Pennsylvania
Tao Tao, Ph.D.,         Carnegie Mellon University
Kailai Wang, Ph.D.,     University of Houston




  • 搭建联系国内外对中国规划问题感兴趣的研究人员和专业人士的桥梁;
  • 为中国规划领域学术对话提供一个国际平台;
  • 服务学会会员。




一、 承办组织的基本情况,包括

1. 学校和院系概况;

2. 主办方举办会议的组织能力;

3. 承办会议的规模。

二、 会议组织形式:

1. 会议具体组织方式(比如线上、线下或者两者相结合);

2. 如果会议有线上内容,请提供会议网络平台的搭建以及线上线下实时互动的可能性和方式;

3. 如果会议为线下会议或者包括线下活动,请说明会议举办城市和举办地的具体情况,比如会场容量、会议室数量以及相关交通和住宿服务情况(需提供会场附近可选宾馆列表)。

三. 会议主题。近期年会的会议主题包括:




2021年:新全球化和区域化背景下的国土空间规划 (南京大学)

四. 预算草案,包括

1. 预算总额;

2. 会议注册费;

3. 会议餐饮。

五. 承办方举办会议的其他优势 (如其他会议活动以及参观机会等)。



刘志林 (清华大学)
陈振华 (俄亥俄州立大学)
尹 力 (纽约州立大学布法罗分校)
林中杰 (宾夕法尼亚大学)
陶 涛 (卡耐基梅隆大学)
王开来 (休斯顿大学)