赵群山(Dr. Qunshan Zhao)
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Urban Analytics, Urban Studies & Urban Big Data Centre, School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
赵群山是英国格拉斯哥大学城市分析副教授,城市大数据中心副主任 (负责城市感知与分析研究方向),博士生导师。他曾在美国亚利桑那州立大学从事博士后工作,于 2019 年加入英国格拉斯哥大学。他先后获得美国亚利桑那州立大学的地理信息科学的博士和硕士学位,以及武汉大学的遥感科学与技术学士学位。
Dr. Qunshan Zhao is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Urban Analytics in Urban Studies and an Associate Director (Urban Sensing & Analytics) of Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) in the School of Social and Political Sciences. He holds both Ph.D. and M.A. in Geography/GIScience from the Arizona State University in the USA and a B.E. in Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, and GIS from the Wuhan University in China. Prior to coming to the UK, he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (KER) and Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) at the Arizona State University.
研究方向与社会贡献(Research direction and social contribution)
赵群山目前的主要研究方向为运用城市新型数据(包括住房,交通,传感数据等)和对应的定量方法(例如地理信息科学,遥感科学与技术,空间分析与建模,城市气象学,传感器/传感网,数据科学,人工智能以及运筹学),来分析和解决城市中广泛存在的社会,经济与环境问题。目前具体的研究方向包括城市基础设施位置优化(例如城市绿地规划,充电桩选址等),基于手机 app 数据的城市人类活动空间分析,城市韧性与能源贫穷,城市热岛,三维城市建模,以及空间优化开源软件包开发。
Qunshan’s research interest focuses on creating a sustainable urban future and tackling related social, economic, and environmental problems by using new forms of data and related analytical approaches. Ongoing research efforts include urban infrastructure location optimization (urban green infrastructure; bike sharing station; alternative refuelling stations location modelling), human-environment interactions (human mobility patterns in urban/natural spaces, particularly by mobile phone app data), urban resilience and fuel poverty (fuel poverty and housing environment sensing and evaluation), 3D city modelling, and open source spatial optimization methods development (pysal/spopt).
赵群山的博士论文获得2018年美国地理学家协会(American Association of Geographers)杰出博士论文奖 (J. Warren Nystrom Award)。他主持和参与的科研项目包括英国经济与社会理事会基金项目,美国地理学家协会博士论文研究基金,英国皇家学会国际交流基金项目,中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,比尔梅琳达盖茨基金会非洲研究项目,格拉斯哥市政府研究项目等。
Qunshan’s doctoral dissertation, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tree Locations and Arrangements for Improving Urban Thermal Environment, received the J. Warren Nystrom Award from the American Association of Geographers (AAG) as one of the most outstanding research papers, based upon a recent dissertation in 2018. He has been the PI/Co-PI of multiple research projects from the UK Economic and Social Science Council (ESRC), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Royal Society, American Association of Geographers, National Nature Science Foundation of China, and Glasgow City Council.
Qunshan is currently serving as the Secretary of Quantitative Methods Research Group at RGS-IBG starting from 2021. He served as the Board Member of the Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group (SAM) at AAG from 2018-2021. He is currently in the Grant Assessment Panel of ESRC-SDAI programme, and serves as a research proposal reviewer for UK ESRC, EPSRC, GCRF, UKRI FLF, and NSF GRFP, and a journal reviewer for top-tier international journals such as Landscape and Urban Planning, Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, and Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. He also serves as the Series Advisory Editors for the Urban Book Series at Springer. He is also the organizing committee for several GIScience academic conferences such as GISRUK 2022, CPGIS 2022, and GIScience 2022. He also convenes the MSc Urban Analytics Programme in Glasgow and serves as the external examiner of MSc Urban Analytics and Visualisation in the University of Warwick and MSc Urban Informatics in the King’s College London.
与IACP的关系 (Relationship with IACP)
Dr. Zhao and has been actively engaged in IACP conferences and activities, especially in the European sector.