Prof. Haotian Zhong – IACP Faculty Highlights

仲浩天 (Haotian Zhong, PhD)

中国人民大学公共管理学院城市规划与管理系 Department of Urban Planning and Management, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China

仲浩天将于2020年秋季加入中国人民大学公共管理学院城市规划与管理系任助理教授。此前, 他在多个知名研究机构从事过城市交通的科研工作,包括德州交通研究中心,美国联邦统计研究数据中心,莱斯大学Kinder城市研究中心 。他于2020年取得德克萨斯A&M大学城市与区域科学博士学位。

Haotian Zhong will join the Department of Urban Planning and Management at Renmin University of China as an assistant professor in Fall 2020. Before joining Renmin University, Haotian worked for several renowned research institute on urban transportation, including Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Federal Statistical Research Data Center, Kinder Institute at Rice University. He holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Science from Texas A&M University.

研究方向与社会贡献  (Research direction and social contribution)

仲浩天的研究关注新兴技术,城市空间,以及社会公平。他的近期研究包括公交导向的城市发展,落后地区的公共交通设施投资,以及公共交通设施对商业选址决定的影响。他的博士论文研究探索了无人驾驶汽车将如何改变人们的出行和生活生活,以及个人行为的变化将如何进而影响城市的空间形态。这一研究可帮助城市管理者更好的应对新兴技术的冲击和更有针对性的利用新兴技术打造公平,绿色,有活力的城市。他的研究获得了Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University的资助,其对方法的贡献也获得了国际区域科学学会的扎曼斯基博士论文奖。相关成果发表在《Transport Policy》《Journal of Transport and Land Use》《Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment》。

Haotian’s research examines the intersection of new technologies, urban space, and social justice. Recent work investigates public transportation and property value, transportation finance in lagging regions, and the impact of public transportation on location choices of businesses. His dissertation research examines how autonomous vehicles will affect travel behavior and, in turn, reshape the spatial structure of cities. This research contributes to the endeavor of building sustainable, just, and healthy cities by helping city managers anticipate the spatial and social implications of technological disruptions. His research was supported by the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University. It also won the 2019 Czamanski Dissertation Award from the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) for its methodological contribution. Parts of the research have been published in Transport Policy, Journal of Transport and Land Use, and Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.


At Renmin University, Haotian will examine and address the role of new data in public administration and policy. His efforts in research and teaching will all focus on centering justice and equity in all discussions of the emerging technologies and new data that may reshape our cities and urban life.



Haotian Zhong has joined IACP since 2012. He has been a very engaged member and served as a volunteer for several IACP annual conferences. Currently, he serves on the board of directors of the IACP.